Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

My Ordinary Poem

If I could

If I could have a paper and a pen

I would write you an astonishing tale

And refresh you when you're pale

Till you feel safe in your den

If could have a canvass and a paintbrush

I would paint you a wonderful place

Where you can find your face

Till you can change your crust

If I could have a sword and an armor

I would protect you when you're weak

And recover you when you get sick

Till you could run away from this war

But I couldn't be the one who has everything that you dream

I am just the only one who can be anyone or anything that you need.

(Andreas Y.P,12th March 2010)

Based on my real experiences....


1 komentar:

  1. kok nggak ada diamond2'nya ndre??
    buat sapa ni puisinya??
    ckckckck :(
